Wiksfors Technology simulation (First level section)
The most important tool that Wiksfors Technology have in our Toolbox is to create 3d simulations of our customers production. The simulations will verify how well the product can be manufactured in terms of the product itself, production lines, machines, robots and human operators. The simulation gives a consolidated view of the full production flow through the factory and how big throughput that can be expected.
Simulations for Greenfield production (Second level section)
In Greenfield production “everything is possible”, and the goal comes down to finding the right balance between the level of investment and the factory throughput. Factors like factory footprint, building parameters/requirements and level of automation/manual work are all considered and important for the simulation model. Creating a simulation of a planned factory is an analytic way to quantify the risks and minimize them.
Simulations for Brownfield production (Second level section)
Creating a simulation model for an existing factory is a great way to compile information and verify that the building will fit the intended production. Space requirements for both production, stock and logistics can be carefully studied.
What can be interesting in brownfield is to also compare the new production lines with the old ones in terms of operation cost and throughput.
Simulation for existing production (Second level section)
Simulation can be a good tool to plan existing production in a better way. Sequencing of products in an optimal way can increase the total throughput a lot. The impact of re-sequencing both sub-flows and the main flows of the factory are very hard to study with an excel sheet. A simulation model can be set up to run multiple cases and AI can be utilized to make the production planning self-learning and intelligent.